Posts Tagged pv3d

pv3d_haxe as a haxelib

At the risk of overstepping, and with hopes the original author won’t become enraged, I published pv3d_haxe as a haxelib:

% haxelib search pv3d_haxe
1 projects found
% sudo haxelib install pv3d_haxe

I have placed the files and on googlepages if you’d rather…

You can try my (horrible) test program like so:

% wget
% unzip
% cd orig_testHaxePv3d
% rm *swf
% haxe TestHaxePv3d.hxml
% ls ${PWD}/*swf

Pull up the .swf file and viola… a really boring solid red cube!

Here are a few more boring things I “fixed”:

/usr/lib/haxe/lib/pv3d_haxe/1,0/org/papervision3d/core/geom/Face3D.hx:220: characters 9-16 : Local variable mapping used without being initialized
/usr/lib/haxe/lib/pv3d_haxe/1,0/org/papervision3d/materials/MaterialsList.hx:185: characters 23-30 : Local variable m used without being initialized
/usr/lib/haxe/lib/pv3d_haxe/1,0/org/papervision3d/objects/Sphere.hx:163: characters 14-18 : Local variable oVtx used without being initialized

I only mention them in passing in case someone takes on this project for real.

Hopefully this will make it a little easier to use original author‘s great work!

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